Petree Garden Center & Florist

There’s always room for one more houseplant!


Low Light, High Light, Pet Friendly & Low Maintenance

We have a ton of plants for all kinds of needs. They are sorted by groups in the store making it easy to find just the right plant for the right spot.


We take selection seriously. More species, more varieties, more choice for you!


You’ll need more than a sunny window to keep your new friend happy. We’ve got you covered. Pots, food, soil and all the expert advise you need to be a successful plant patent.


Remember to follow us on Facebook so you never miss out on new orchids.

If you have an orchid or several orchids that need repotting, you can bring it in for a tune up! Just call us to schedule a repotting appointment! 505-257-6030


Orchids are easier to care for than you think. Let us help you discover the rewarding hobby of orchid collecting. You’ll find the largest species and variety selection in Los Alamos and we have everything you need for orchid succuss.

Orchids also make amazing gifts, we can help you select the right one and we can even pot it up and deliver it!

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Succulents & Cacti



Our amazing selection of succulents is always changing! We receive regular shipments of unique & unusual varieties making it fun to collect them all!



Nothing beats cacti when it comes to ease of care and durability! We stock many types and like our succulent selection you will always fin something new!


Rare & Specialty

For the dedicated houseplant enthusiast we offer many specimens you can’t find in the big box stores. We can help you with care of rare specimens even if you didn’t get them from us!


Tropical & Foliage


Exceptional Selection

We LOVE houseplants! And we love to help customers find new species to try. Inventory rotates regularly and there is always a new treasure to find in the Garden Center! If a particular plant you want isn’t currently in stock we can add you to a request list & try to find it for you!


Popular & Trending

You can get all the Instagram ready beauties here! From tiny terrarium plants to mature show stopping specimens, we’ve got your next favorite! We source plants from all over the US so you are likely to find unusual & sought after specimens right here in Los Alamos!


Supplies, Pots, Soil & More

To be the best plant parent you need the best supplies and we have em! We pride ourselves on stocking the highest quality fertilizers & soils and can walk you through every step of indoor plant care. We can also assist you with trouble shooting even if you didn’t purchase your plant with us!


Terrarium Bar

The Terrarium Bar is closed until June or until we have more help. But, you can still get everything you need to plant your own amazing terrarium at home!


Come spend a little time at the bar! Plant your own, create a unique gift or even bring some friends for some plants on the rocks. We have everything you need to make a one of kind terrarium. During peak seasons or hours, you may need an appointment, so please call ahead and let’s get planting!


Pick your plants

Choose from hundreds of succulents, cacti and tropical plants. We also have mini orchids and violets! You can use any plant in the shop to create your terrarium. And we can help you select the right combos & groupings.


Pick your container

We stock glass, ceramic, hanging, and all kinds of interesting containers for just the right look. Match your décor or bring your own! Not all containers are right for all plants, so we can help you choose one that works best!


Get planting!

Everything you need is at the Bar! We have the right soil, moss, rock even shells to top your terrarium masterpiece. We can offer helpful suggestions on the right combos for terrarium success!